Avocados, a highly nutritious food, is often referred as “the alphabet fruit” because it contains nutrition A to Z, such as potassium, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, Vitamin B6, C, and E, to name a few. Rich in monounsaturated fats and high in fiber (one whole avocado has 13g of fiber!), avocados are a delicious food to add to meals.

All Fibers are Not Created Equal
Bloating, gas, gastrointestinal discomfort it stinks….literally!
Fiber is often to blame for these symptoms, but in truth specific fibers are the culprits giving all fibers a bad name! High fiber processed foods are often made with a class of dietary fibers known as fructans with inulin being public enemy number one!

Asparagus “The Detoxifier”
Spring is finally here! The season change brings new fresh produce options to our plates. Asparagus is a spring vegetable that is highly nutritious and beneficial to your health and has many reasons why it should be included in your diet this season.

Chia Seeds
Do you remember the Chia Pet? Did you know that the popular 1980’s terra-cotta figurines use the edible Chia seeds to grow the sprouted plants?