According to various studies, an estimated 20-25% of the U.S. population are affected by food sensitivities and that estimate may be much higher.

According to various studies, an estimated 20-25% of the U.S. population are affected by food sensitivities and that estimate may be much higher.
What kind of milk do you drink? Are you still buying skim milk because you believe it is the healthier option? Not only is skim milk not the healthier option, but in fact, fat free dairy offers little to no nutrition benefit. Here are 3 reasons not to SKIMp on milk!
After Labor Day almost all the kiddos across the United States will be back in school. Do your children brown bag or buy lunch? May I recommend a 3rd option this academic year, the bento box featured in this post.
Like many parents, I face the daily challenge of trying to get my children to eat healthy. Breakfast and dinner are more easily controlled, but lunches can be tricky as they are the one meal our children oftentimes eat away from home and out of sight.
Your grand parents drank it! So many benefits…Eat for your Health!