Weight loss and improving body composition is a primary goal for many, but what is far less appreciated and addressed is the correlation between optimal body composition and overall health. Lean mass plays an important role in preventing obesity and illness and can provide optimal health and overall improved quality of life.
L-Glutamine, The Non Essential, Essential Amino Acid
L-Glutamine is an amino acid that plays a major role in your overall health. While it is only one of the twenty amino acids that make up protein molecules and it is non essential (meaning our bodies can make it from other amino acids), L-Glutamine is considered conditionally essential specifically for muscle recovery, immune function and gastrointestinal health.
Read More L-Glutamine, The Non Essential, Essential Amino Acid
Asparagus “The Detoxifier”
Spring is finally here! The season change brings new fresh produce options to our plates. Asparagus is a spring vegetable that is highly nutritious and beneficial to your health and has many reasons why it should be included in your diet this season.