October 2015, Nutrition CPR, LLC
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Nutrition CPR  October 2015 Newsletter

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Cashews, Natural Anti-Depressants 

Did you know that two handfuls of cashews (about a 1/2 cup) have a similar benefit on brain chemistry as compared to prescription anti-depressants?  Cashews contain both niacin and tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin, also known as the feel good neurotransmitter! In addition to therapeutic levels of tryptophan, cashews contain B6 and magnesium which can help to stabilize and elevate your mood!   
Reminder, cashews are calorie dense due to their high and healthy fat content.  If you opt to include cashews in your diet, avoiding high calorie, low nutrition foods such as desserts or alcohol is likely warranted to prevent increasing waistlines.  

12 Healthy Tips for the 12+ Days of Holidays

The 12 days of Christmas are realistically more like 60+ days of diet sabotage. Sure, the traditional holiday season starts at Thanksgiving and culminates at New Years, however unhealthy holiday foods are really introduced as early as mid October with fall festivals and Halloween candy.  Add in office parties, cookie swaps and social engagements and a healthy diet is derailed.

Holiday food indulgences result in an average of a 1-2 pound weight gain for those of normal weight and a 5+ pounds for overweight or obese individuals.  The worst part… the weight is compounding year after year.

You can break this unhealthy tradition and stop sabotaging your health around the holidays! Here are 12 tips in honor of the 12 days of Christmas to get you started.

1.    Eat Real Food

As per Michael Pollan, ask yourself if what you are eating is from plant or was it made in a plant?  Unfortunately, we consume large amounts packaged, processed food that consist of added sugar, food coloring, additives, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, pesticides, herbicides, hormones, chemicals, antibiotics and inflammatory fats.  These unhealthy ingredients oftentimes replace nutrients in the foods we are eating and can have significant negative impacts on our physical and mental health including our metabolism!  This holiday season limit artificial and added unhealthy ingredients and begin to incorporate more real food into your daily diet. 

2.  Reduce High Carb Food

Holidays and party menus are abundant with high carb foods such as breads, pasta, rice, stuffing, potatoes, crackers, chips, and snacks.  There are many more we can add to this list, but you get the idea!

While carbohydrates provide energy, most of the required energy can be derived from eating fruits and vegetables instead of starches. When carbs are eaten in excess, the remaining energy (glucose) is stored as fat resulting in expanding waistlines.  Additionally high carb foods can cause large swings in blood sugar levels that can cause fatigue, irritability and increased hunger.  This holiday, reduce or avoid high carb foods and fill your plate instead with proteins, quality fats, vegetables and some fruits.

Sugar Tbsp3. Skip the Sugar

Sugar is abundant in the standard American diet and according to recent studies as addicting as cocaine! The average American consumes 150lb of sugar a year! Desserts and sugar-laden beverages are obvious sources, however hidden sugars are added to 70% of grocery store foods.

Sugar promotes fat storing, weight gain and an increased risk of chronic disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.   Simple ways to reduce your sugar consumption this holiday season include:  reducing the amount of sugar in recipes, skipping or limiting desserts, ditching high sugar beverages such as soda and juices and reading the ingredients of packaged foods.  To find those hidden sugars, look at the ingredient list and proceed with caution if sugar is near the top of the list.

 4.   Portion Control

It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to send a signal to your brain that you are full and many of us have overeaten before the signal finally arrives.  Slow down, chew and enjoy your food. Consider using a smaller plate and reduce your portions, specifically starches!  Take double vegetables instead!

 beer-wine-spirits15.  Caution with Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages are empty calories and are often combined with mixers made up of synthetic or added sugars that further increase calories.  Alcohol also lowers inhibitions and increases hunger resulting in subsequent poor food choices.  Moderation is key and avoid mixers! Try alternating an alcoholic beverage with a non-alcoholic one or water down your drinks with seltzer.


 6. Prepare for Parties

One of the worst things you can do is arrive hungry to a party, as you are more likely to overeat and make bad decisions.  Scope out your options and try to make the best food choices with what is available.

Plan ahead and eat healthy foods prior to arrival and don’t skip meals earlier in the day.  Start your day off right with a nutritious breakfast that includes protein, healthy fats and vegetables. A balanced breakfast will prevent the blood sugar spikes connected to the traditional carb filled breakfast.

 7.    Keep Your Kitchen Clean

Temptation is everywhere but it doesn’t have to be in your home! Clean up your pantry this holiday season by getting rid of high calorie, low nutrition foods.  Stock up on healthy snacks such as vegetables, fruits, and nuts and prepare balanced meals that will provide satiety and nutrition.

8.    Watch the Sodium

In addition to sugar, salt is abundant in packaged, processed foods and in restaurants.  Excessive sodium intake can lead to headaches, water retention, swelling and increased thirst.  If you choose to imbibe, you will likely drink more if you are eating salty foods.  Thus the reason restaurants serve salted snacks at the bar.

Substitute spices for table salt in recipes or try Himalayan Salt as it contains essential minerals, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and the body’s natural sleep cycle. 

 9.  Disaffiliate from the Clean Plate Club

Listen to your body and stop eating when you feel full.   Despite what you were told as a child, you don’t have to finish everything on your plate.  Avoid seconds if a buffet is available.  Just because it is all you can eat, doesn’t mean you are obliged to do so.  

10.  Exercise

 Despite your schedule being jam-packed this holiday season, stay active and committed to an exercise program.  Aerobic and strength training improves metabolism, increases caloric expenditure and helps with weight management. Physical activity also helps to regulate appetite, increase energy and reduce stress that is generally compounded by the holidays!

11.  Sleep

Your body needs sleep! Without adequate rest, your immune system is compromised.  Getting sick is never fun, but getting sick during the holidays is awful.  Just one night of insufficient sleep can be a metabolic disruptor leading to increased appetite, carb cravings and reduced willpower.  Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep every night. 

12.   Plan for Success

Set realistic health goals during the holidays and hold yourself accountable.   Reduce the added stress holidays bring by visualizing success and make a plan.  Don’t bite off more than you can chew, both literally and figuratively.  Make the holidays about spending time with friends and family instead of food and drinks. 

Following these tips will lead to a healthier and happier you this holiday season and for holidays to come!

The information provided in this post is for education only and is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor should it be used as a replacement for seeking medical treatment.

Quick and Easy Roasted Root Vegetables

Peel and slice:
2 carrots
2 parsnips
1  medium sweet potato
1 cup cauliflower florets
1 (12oz) bag cubed butternut Squash

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

In a large skillet heat 1T olive oil and 3 T butter
Toss vegetables, one large clove minced garlic, salt and pepper and a 1/4 t. nutmeg in a bowl.
Transfer to skillet
Sauté for 5 minutes. Stir occasionally.
Place mixture in an oven proof casserole.
Roast vegetables for 20 minutes or until tender when you pierce with a fork

Sprinkle with fresh, minced parsley.

Serves 6-8

This recipe was created by Nutrition CPR’s own top chef, Hertha Essman, also known affectionately as Mom!  

BOGO until November 1st!  Click Here to Order


Nutrition CPR

Jaime Coffey Martinez MS, RD, is a Registered Dietitian with over 17 years of experience in the fields of medical nutrition therapy, weight loss, functional medicine, corporate wellness and fitness, private nutrition coaching, and pharmaceuticals. Contact her for more information on private and corporate nutrition programs. 

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