March 2015, Nutrition CPR, LLC
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Nutrition CPR  March 2015 Newsletter

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 While it’s been long known that getting 30 minutes of exercise every day can lower your risk for disease, health experts are now saying staying active throughout the day is more important than getting that half hour at the gym! A study in the Annals of Internal Medicine concludes that prolonged sedentary time was independently associated with deleterious health outcomes regardless of physical activity.  No I am not suggesting you give up your gym membership (PLEASE DON'T!) but it is not enough to just workout and then sit on our rear ends for the remainder of the day.  How can you stay active?   Take the stairs, do some laps in the office, park the car far away from the store, take the dog for an extra walk, climb the stairs in your own house or apartment, get creative! Wear a pedometer and aim for 10,000+ steps (avg. of 3.5miles) per day. 



  Celebrate the month by adopting a healthy habit!  Need suggestions? How about eat whole foods, eat more veggies, decrease added sugars, buy organic, avoid artificial ingredients, hydrate, or journal . Pick one or many, but make a commitment this March to Eat for Your Heath

Happy St. Patricks Day!  

Green Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are so 1970′s to me, but here is a new twist on an old recipe!  I adapted this recipe from several that are floating around on the internet.  Enjoy!


  • 12 hard boiled eggs (click for the Perfect Hard Boiled Egg!)
  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 2 Tbsp lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt
  • 2 Tbsp Full Fat Plain Greek Yogurt (Omit if dairy free)
  • 1 Tbsp chopped cilantro (plus garnish)
  • 1/2 tsp of ground red cayenne pepper
  • 1 Tbsp chopped green onion

Cut the hard boiled eggs in half (lengthwise) and scoop out the yolks.  Using a blender or food processor, blend about 8 of the yolks (use the remaining yolks for another recipe) for  30 seconds until smooth.  Add the  flesh of the avocados and remaining ingredients and continue to blend for another minute on low speed.  Scoop the mixture into the well of the hard boiled egg whites and garnish with additional cilantro and green onions.  For fancy looking eggs, use a cake decorating bag instead of spoon.  Enjoy!

*Image from Simply Recipes

Nutrition CPR offers both private and corporate nutrition coaching in the DC area and beyond.  Contact us today to learn more about our programs and pricing. 

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