January 2015, Nutrition CPR, LLC
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Nutrition CPR  January 2015 Newsletter

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Did you get a juicer for the holidays? Are you following or contemplating a juice cleanse or detox?  My biggest issue with both of these is they often lack protein.  The body needs protein to help build lean body mass, make enzymes and hormones.  Consider adding either a whey or vegan (yellow pea/rice) protein to your blender. Also remember to juice vegetables to fruits in a 3:1 ratio. 
January's spotlight is on Vitamin D.  Here is an article I wrote for Washington Family on why deficiency of vitamin D is so common and how to prevent it.

Vitamin D Deficiency/Importance


One of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the U.S. is vitamin D.  Estimates are one out of every two patients is diagnosed with low levels, and for many, the levels are so low it affects their health.
A decade ago, vitamin D was barely discussed, but today it seems as though it is the “nutrient du jour”—with good reason.

One of four important fat-soluble vitamins, the role of vitamin D in the body is actually more of a steroid hormone than a vitamin.

Most of us know the importance of vitamin D in bone health, but today science has proven this incredible nutrient to have numerous roles in maintaining optimal health.

Vitamin D is needed for our immune health, glucose metabolism and neuromuscular and neurological function. Studies show vitamin D reduces the risk of asthma, cancer, Alzheimer’s, dementia, depression and anxiety. It regulates our inflammatory response and can increase our good (HDL) and decrease our bad (LDL) cholesterol. It also positively influences our sex hormones, giving it the title of the sexiest vitamin!

It is important to understand where we get vitamin D.  Contrary to most other nutrients, we get most of our vitamin D from the sun—not from food. A glass of milk is equal to 90 IU’s of vitamin D, whereas just 10 to15 minutes of sun exposure can provide up to 3,000 IU/day! The largest food source of vitamin D is cod liver oil, providing between 600-1000IU per serving. Sadly, it’s not the tastiest of foods and isn’t included in most daily diets.

Since the sun is the main source, it is not  shocking that 50 percent of us are deficient. We have three potential strikes against us in absorbing vitamin D. First, most jobs are now indoors, providing little daily exposure to sunshine. Second, if we do venture outdoors, we use sunscreens to prevent skin cancer, which may block the absorption of vitamin D. Lastly, where you live can influence your absorption. Those living north of Atlanta have less than optimal sun exposure for many months of the year.

Another battle for vitamin D is weight. Estimates are that two-thirds of the U.S. population is overweight, and fat cells negatively influence vitamin D levels. Overweight or obese individuals require up to 10 times more sun exposure for skin absorption. Age and the color of our skin also influences absorption, as those older than 65 have difficulty converting the vitamin into its active form, and darker- skinned individuals require more sun exposure to absorb it.

The health of other organs in the body can also impact your levels. The kidneys and liver are responsible for converting vitamin D to its active form. If they are compromised, so are your levels. Inflammatory bowel diseases also negatively influence absorption. If you are supplementing with vitamin D or relying on food sources to boost your levels, the health of your gastrointestinal tract is vital to prevent deficiency.

For those who are not clinically deficient (<30ng/ml), you are not necessarily in the clear. The clinical vs. optimal values of vitamin D are actually quite different. The Vitamin D Council recommends a level greater than 50ng/ml, not 30. With this higher recommendation, estimates of deficiency are closer to 75 percent of the population.

Daily recommendations of vitamin D range between 600-800IU, however, we must remember this is to prevent clinical deficiency, not promote optimal levels. Most physicians agree supplementing between 1,000-5,000IU/day of vitamin D3 is necessary to reach optimal levels.

While risk of toxicity is low, you should visit your doctor to measure your vitamin D level before beginning supplementation.
Be patient; it takes time to raise your vitamin D levels. Work with your doctor to track your progress. You’ll be healthier for the effort!

Interested, in supplementing with Vitamin D3? 

First, have your vitamin D level checked and consult with your physician.  Here is my favorite supplement from Thorne: 
Vitamin D3/K2 Liquid.  

If you are on a blood thinner or have clotting issues, then I suggest the 
liquid Vitamin D3 only.  

If interested in ordering use the health care practitioner code: HCP1062801


New Year, New Commitments 

Nutrition CPR offers both private and corporate nutrition coaching.  Contact us today to learn more about our programs and pricing. 

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