What kind of milk do you drink? Are you still buying skim milk because you believe it is the healthier option? Not only is skim milk not the healthier option, but in fact, fat free dairy offers little to no nutrition benefit. Here are 3 reasons not to SKIMp on milk!
5 Reasons to Eat Pumpkin this Fall
Fall is my favorite season as it is defined by football, foliage, and pumpkins. While pumpkins are fabulous for carving Jack O’Lanterns during Halloween, the flesh of the pumpkin is highly nutritious and provide many health benefits.
Fab Five Food Shopping Rules
Grocery shopping can be challenging if you are striving for health. Here are five rules to follow when filling your cart.
I Can’t Believe You Fear Butter!
I can’t believe how many people are still substituting fake foods, i.e. butter substitutes, on the premise that it is healthier! Many of my clients are shocked that I am recommending they pitch their margarines and butter substitutes IMMEDIATELY in favor of organic butter. Decades of mis or blatantly wrong information has led to a fear of butter.
It’s Elementary, My Dear…
Optimal health, it is what we strive to for in life in order to have vitality and longevity. We exercise and we eat healthy but all too often I have found my clients are missing a crucial piece of the puzzle…supplementation.
Vitamin D and Glucose Metabolism
It is estimated that over 50% of the US population is clinically deficient in Vitamin D. Clinically deficient is a Vitamin D value of less than 30 ng/mL. Optimal values, as determined by clinical research, recommends values greater than 50 ng/mL to prevent symptoms and disease.
Avocados, The Alphabet Fruit
Avocados, a highly nutritious food, is often referred as “the alphabet fruit” because it contains nutrition A to Z, such as potassium, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, Vitamin B6, C, and E, to name a few. Rich in monounsaturated fats and high in fiber (one whole avocado has 13g of fiber!), avocados are a delicious food to add to meals.
Coffee a Lifesaver?
For those who drink coffee, you can probably think of a time that your cup of coffee helped you survive the day. Many of you may even comment that you cannot make it through your day without your cup of coffee. No doubt the morning cup of joe is a “lifesaver” to many, but research now suggests coffee can actually extend your life!
Potassium Rich Vegetables
Vegetables are chock full of nutrients and today’s post focuses on POTASSIUM.
Vegetables Decrease Risk of Metabolic Syndrome
A recent study showed that people who consumed more vegetables during childhood would be less likely to suffer from metabolic syndrome later in life.