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Category Archives: Health

Categories Health

Talk Healthy to Me Podcast: Nutrition Supplements

Here is the link to my guest spot on Talk Healthy To Me! with Kristen Kacinski It was a fun hour and here is a summary of all the things we talked about: 

Why we should move away from the standard American diet in order to ensure optimal nutrient absorption from food

Why certain vitamins CANNOT be absorbed without fat in your diet

How color of foods can inform their beneficial role in the body

Why even if you’re the BEST eater on the planet you should still consider supplementation to cover your bases

Why fruits and vegetables today are actually depleted of nutrients

How to get the maximum nutrient content from fresh or frozen vegetables

What symptoms indicate nutrient deficiencies

What risk factors contribute to you potentially having issues with nutrient absorption

Why the RDA or RDI numbers on supplement labels aren’t necessarily calculated for optimal health

How you can still be sub optimal on a nutrient (even if you’re within the reference range)

How often to test your nutrient levels

How to source quality and safe vitamins


Categories Health

The Essentials In Your Diet- Omega 3’s

Omega 3’s are powerful essential (meaning the body can’t synthesize them so they are necessary components of our diet) fatty acids that have numerous health benefits in the body all due to their ability to decrease inflammation.  Unfortunately, many of us have some degree of inflammation in our body and it may be a result or combination of the food we eat, the toxins in our environment, elevated blood pressure, increased body fat and weight, high cholesterol and triglycerides, poor blood sugar control, depression and anxiety, and/or chronic illness just to name a few.  Incorporating more omega 3’s into our diet can help to decrease the above inflammation and improve our overall health. 


The following are a list of science-based benefits of omega 3’s:

  • Cardiovascular Health (lowers C-Reactive Protein & Triglycerides, increases HDL cholesterol, improves blood pressure, decreases plaque, and decreases cardiovascular inflammation)
  • Brain Health
  • Improves depression and anxiety and other mental health disorders
  • Improves insulin sensitivity/decreases risk of metabolic syndrome
  • Reduces symptoms of ADHD in children
  • May reduce cancer risk
  • Improves bone and joint health
  • Improves skin and hair
  • Helps improve auto immune disorders
  • Improves dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease


You might be asking, why are we so inflamed if this readily available fatty acid is so powerful as an anti-inflammatory. The truth is we consume far more omega 6’s, a pro inflammatory compound, found in canola, corn, soybean, vegetable and cottonseed oils as well as most packaged and processed foods than we do omega 3’s.  It is recommended that we consume a 3:1 ratio of Omega 6’s to Omega 3’s, yet the estimate is that most Americans are closer to 25-30:1.
Minimizing packaged, processed foods and incorporating more omega 3 rich foods in our diet can help to balance our omega 6 to omega 3 ratio and decrease inflammation.  Omega 3 rich foods include deep cold water fish, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, cod liver oil, herring, and oysters, other seafood including algae and krill, flax, chia and hemp seeds, walnuts, purslane and perilla leaves and oils, meat and dairy products from grass fed cows and pastured eggs.


There are 3 forms of omega 3’s: Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA). DHA and EPA are found predominantly in animal sources listed in the above paragraph, whereas ALA is found mostly in plant based sources. Most mammals can convert ALA to EPA and DHA (i.e. grass fed cows, algae eating fish) however, sadly humans cannot!  While all 3 are anti-inflammatory, research supports EPA and DHA as being more powerful in decreasing inflammation and improving health, therefore if possible incorporating fish, grass fed dairy/beef and pastured eggs into your diet is encouraged.  For vegans or vegetarians who do not consume fish, remember there are still anti-inflammatory benefits in consuming plant based omega 3 foods!

Omega 3’s are one of my favorite supplements, but making sure you take the right one is key! To supplement with omega 3 is not the question, how much is the bigger question!  Science based research shows health benefits when consuming 2,000mg/day of EPA and DHA combined. A higher quality omega 3 will provide >500mg of EPA+DHA per pill and dosage recommendations range between 2-4 pills or tsp. per day depending upon the mg provided.  Do not assume all supplements are equal, and do not rely on the amount of fish oil advertised on the bottle.  Read the “Supplement Facts” and look to see how much EPA and DHA are provided as well as the serving size!  Many of my clients thought they were taking a quality fish or krill oil supplement only to realize it was either low in EPA and DHA or they had to take 8-10 pills to get close to the 2,000mg of EPA and DHA combined recommendation.

This is Thorne’s Super EPA. Thorne also offers a liquid omega 3 supplement: Omega Superb. Both can be ordered using the hyperlinks.

There are very few contraindications (reasons not to take):

1. If you have an allergy to fish (gilled fish, not shellfish)

2. If you are a vegan 

3. If you avoid pork as some supplements use porcine in the gel cap (read the ingredients/label).  

The only warning or precaution is for those taking blood thinners, (i.e. Coumadin or Warfarin) as omega 3’s can also thin the blood therefore consult with your physician before starting to supplement!

If you are allergic to fish or a vegan, taking a flax seed or plant based omega 3 ALA supplement is still a great anti-inflammatory option!

Omega 3’s are essential in your diet! Falling short of a panacea, they may just be the closest thing!

The information provided in this post is for education only and is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor should it be used as a replacement for seeking medical treatment.

Copyright © Jaime Coffey Martinez, Nutrition CPR, LLC

Categories Health, Nutrition Programs, Vitamins and Minerals

FREE 15 Minute Nutrient Supplementation Consult

The alarming fact is that foods – fruits, vegetables and grains – now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain needed nutrients, are starving us – no matter how much we eat of them.

— US Senate Document 264, 1936

This statement was made over 80 years ago and the situation has not improved. Additionally, the Standard American Diet is filled with processed foods void of nutrients, high in sugar and low in fruits and vegetables. “Even with a perfect diet, the combination of depleted soils, the storage, transportation and genetic alterations of our food, and the increased stress and nutritional demands results from a toxic environment, make it impossible for us to get the vitamins and minerals we need solely from the foods we eat.” – Dr. Mark Hyman. Statistics also suggest that as much as 66% of all chronic illnesses can be associated with a nutrient deficiency. Evidence shows that to insure optimal health, supplementation of key nutrients is necessary. 

Determining which nutrient to supplement can be overwhelming for many, but I am here to help! To insure 2019 is your healthiest year, I am offering personalized nutrient supplement recommendations for FREE! Schedule your consult HERE!

Categories Health, Vitamins and Minerals

Lean Mass, Health and Quality of Life

Weight loss and improving body composition is a primary goal for many, but what is far less appreciated and addressed is the correlation between optimal body composition and overall health.   Lean mass plays an important role in preventing obesity and illness and can provide optimal health and overall improved quality of life.

Read More Lean Mass, Health and Quality of Life

Categories Health, Vitamins and Minerals

12 Health Tips for the 12+ Days of Holidays!

The 12 days of Christmas are realistically more like 60+ days of diet sabotage. Sure, the traditional holiday season starts at Thanksgiving and culminates at New Years, however unhealthy holiday foods are really introduced as early as mid October with fall festivals and Halloween candy.  Add in office parties, cookie swaps and social engagements and a healthy diet is derailed.

Read More 12 Health Tips for the 12+ Days of Holidays!

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