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Author Archives: Jaime Martinez

Categories Health, Vitamins and Minerals

Lean Mass, Health and Quality of Life

Weight loss and improving body composition is a primary goal for many, but what is far less appreciated and addressed is the correlation between optimal body composition and overall health.   Lean mass plays an important role in preventing obesity and illness and can provide optimal health and overall improved quality of life.

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Categories Health, Vitamins and Minerals

12 Health Tips for the 12+ Days of Holidays!

The 12 days of Christmas are realistically more like 60+ days of diet sabotage. Sure, the traditional holiday season starts at Thanksgiving and culminates at New Years, however unhealthy holiday foods are really introduced as early as mid October with fall festivals and Halloween candy.  Add in office parties, cookie swaps and social engagements and a healthy diet is derailed.

Read More 12 Health Tips for the 12+ Days of Holidays!

Categories Health

Got Carrageenan? It Doesn’t Do the Body Good!

Do you suffer from gastrointestinal complaints after eating certain foods?  Are you wondering if you are lactose intolerant but then realize the symptoms are still present with non-dairy alternatives or foods that are dairy free? It is possible, and likely, you are experiencing a symptomatic response to the inclusion of carrageenan in your foods.

Read More Got Carrageenan? It Doesn’t Do the Body Good!